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    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Why can't I see the images when I open the reader?
      A: You might be in a location that blocks Imgur such as Philippines, Turkey and Indonesia. Please use a VPN to access the reader.
    2. The new reader totally bugged out on me. Help!
      A: The site features might have just been updated, so try clearing your cache. Otherwise, please report the problem to us on Discord! Bug reports or feature suggestions help us a lot with maintaining the site.
    3. The site doesn't seem to be loading properly?
      A: Make sure you have Javascript enabled because all our main content depend on it. You can usually find the option to turn it on in the Privacy and Security settings section of your web browser.
    4. Why can't I see the chapters for _____?
      A: Once a project is licensed in English and/or if we get contacted by the author directly for their series to be removed, the chapters will no longer be available.
    5. That looks cool! I want to help!
      A: Welcome! :) Please fill out the recruitment form to apply!
    6. Can I retranslate ____?
      A: We generally allow retranslations for non-profit groups that purchase their own raws if there are no other teams actively retranslating the project to the same language. Please fill out the retranslation form on our Discord server to get permission prior to retranslating. This way we can keep track and let others know when there's an existing group retranslating a project.
    7. How do I buy the raws to support the author?
      A: If the tutorial for the website you're looking to purchase from isn't available in our Buyer Tutorials page, or you are still unclear about a few steps, please come ask us on our Discord. We will be happy to guide you!
    8. Why is the Discord invite invalid?
      A: If you can't access it using the button in the menu we are probably not open to public at this time. The Discord link above will always point to the most up-to-date invite.
    9. How do I read on Tachiyomi?
      A: Sorry, but we are no longer maintaining the cubari.moe links. If you use Tachiyomi, please find our projects on MangaDex instead.
    10. Can you translate ____?
      A: Our projects are usually decided by the translators but if you would like to suggest one feel free to do it in the make-a-wish channel of our Discord. We will not pick up projects that are being actively worked on by another scan team.
    11. Why hasn't ____ been updated in so long?
      A: If it's not in the dropped list, and you think updates are coming slow, that means we really need more help. Please consider joining the team if you can contribute your skills via our Discord server. We are especially short on translators (Korean and Japanese)!
    12. Can I make a living by scanlating with y'all?
      A: No. Scanlation is a hobby and we do not believe in making any money through scan work.